It is the nurse’s responsibility to maintain the professionalism in a patient encounter, and failure to do so is a form of boundary crossing. Regardless of this nurse’s intent, the use of sexualized jokes and comments is considered sexual abuse in the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA). In this scenario, the nurse may have their certificate of registration with CNO revoked if they are found to have sexually abused a patient.
Accordingly, the colleague has a duty to report sexual abuse, and the use of sexualized comments and jokes in the scenario because, as defined by law, it is sexual abuse.
Instead of trying to connect to his young patients by using sexualized jokes, the nurse should focus his efforts to connect by really listening to his patients and being available to them as a health care resource. It’s important to remember that the nurse’s role is not to be a peer to his patients; the nurse’s role is to provide quality health care.