August 2019
Putting the public first

On July 31, 2019, Commissioner Eileen Gillese released her Long-Term Care Homes Public Inquiry Report. We are fully supportive of all the Commissioner’s recommendations. You can read our statement about the inquiry report here.

We are conducting a careful review of the report, and will have more to say in the future about any work that still needs to be done.

As reflected in Commissioner Gillese’s report, when we learned of something within our control that we could do to improve the long-term care system, we acted immediately. Chapter 13 of the report contains 10 recommendations specifically for CNO. We already implemented or are in the process of implementing virtually all of them, and are committed to fully implementing them all.

This Month’s Articles

The Standard
Aug 29, 2019

On July 31, 2019, Commissioner Eileen Gillese released her Long-Term Care Homes Public Inquiry Report. We are fully supportive of all the Commissioner’s recommendations. You can read our statement about the inquiry report here.

We are conducting a careful review of the report, and will have more to say in the future about any work that still needs to be done.

As reflected in Commissioner Gillese’s report, when we learned of something within our control that we could do to improve the long-term care system, we acted immediately. Chapter 13 of the report contains 10 recommendations specifically for CNO. We already implemented or are in the process of implementing virtually all of them, and are committed to fully implementing them all.

The Standard
Aug 29, 2019

Susan, a nurse, is scrolling though Facebook when she sees something her friend Maggie, who is also a nurse, has just posted: "I just taught clinical all day. Now I’m doing a 12-hour night shift. Hope I can stay awake!" Susan is worried about her friend. She knows Maggie has been working long hours lately and taking on more and more work. Susan knows firsthand how difficult and demanding long shifts can be, and worries that putting in a whole night shift after working all day at another job is too much. What should she do?

The Standard
Aug 29, 2019

Did you know you’re required to update your employment information on the public Register whenever you start a new job? We require this information so that the public Register, Find a Nurse, is always up to date. We also require you to update Maintain Your Membership if there is any change to your contact info or other licences and registrations you hold.

The Standard
Aug 29, 2019

If you hear another nurse is treating a patient with a health condition you don’t know much about, is it okay to access that patient’s chart so that you can educate yourself?

The Standard
Aug 29, 2019

No. The individual who performs the action or observes the event should document it. It must always be clear who provided care. 

Summarized Decisions