Recent changes in legislation came into effect this month which may affect your practice. The changes strengthen measures to protect patients; support victims of sexual abuse by regulated health professionals; and improve regulatory oversight and accountability.
These changes are part of the Protecting Patients Act, 2017, and they amend the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA).
The changes include:
New definition of “patient”
Within the context of sexual abuse, an individual is now considered to be a “patient” for one year after the therapeutic nurse-client relationship ends. This means that any sexual contact between a nurse and patient (or former patient) within the one-year time frame is sexual abuse. It does not matter if the patient consents to the sexual acts.
The College exists to uphold safe nursing care for the public. We are committed to ending sexual abuse. Learn more about the Protecting Patients Act, 2017 at:
What happens when a nurse is suspected of sexual abuse of a patient? Find out at: