The College continues to work on drafting a regulation that would, in the future, allow RNs to prescribe certain medications. However, we have adjusted our schedule so we can ensure there is enough time for greater consultation.
Consultation is an important part of the background work that goes into developing a regulation. It is a major consideration for the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care’s regulation approval process.
In our past communications, we said we would ask for your feedback on a draft regulation this fall. The timeline has changed; we now anticipate that the draft will be ready for your feedback in early 2019. Since RN prescribing is complex, it requires more consultation before we can finalize the draft regulation.
In our early consultations, we learned that many nurses and stakeholders wanted us to explore including over-the-counter medication in the regulation. This September, Council supported that these medication be included in addition to the other medications and categories that Council supported in June.
As more information becomes available, we will keep you informed through The Standard, Facebook and the Journey to RN prescribing web page.