September 2018
Tell us what you think: Changes to RN competencies

If you’re an RN, we’d like your feedback about proposed changes to the RN entry-to-practice (ETP) competencies. Last week, we emailed you a link to a feedback survey. The survey, which is available in English and French, closes on Tuesday, Oct. 2, 2018. 

The proposed changes to the RN competencies are part of a routine update. The Canadian Council of Registered Nurse Regulators (CCRNR) updates the RN ETP competencies every five years to make sure they are current and consistent across jurisdictions. The last revision was completed in 2013.  

This Month’s Articles

The Standard
Apr 03, 2018

The College continues to work on drafting a regulation that would, in the future, allow RNs to prescribe certain medications. 

The Standard
Mar 08, 2018

If you’re an RN, we’d like your feedback about proposed changes to the RN entry-to-practice (ETP) competencies. Last week, we emailed you a link to a feedback survey. The survey, which is available in English and French, closes on Tuesday, Oct. 2, 2018. 

The proposed changes to the RN competencies are part of a routine update. The Canadian Council of Registered Nurse Regulators (CCRNR) updates the RN ETP competencies every five years to make sure they are current and consistent across jurisdictions. The last revision was completed in 2013.  

The Standard
Nov 08, 2017

The new exam will reflect emerging research, changing client needs and changes in nursing practice.

Summarized Decisions