If you’re an RN, we’d like your feedback about proposed changes to the RN entry-to-practice (ETP) competencies. Last week, we emailed you a link to a feedback survey. The survey, which is available in English and French, closes on Tuesday, Oct. 2, 2018.
The proposed changes to the RN competencies are part of a routine update. The Canadian Council of Registered Nurse Regulators (CCRNR) updates the RN ETP competencies every five years to make sure they are current and consistent across jurisdictions. The last revision was completed in 2013.
All RNs in Canada can submit feedback. We will collect feedback from RNs in Ontario to forward it to CCRNR. Once CCRNR reviews all responses, it will use them to make further edits to the new competencies.
When the new competencies are approved, there will be a transition period while educators and other stakeholders work to adopt the new competencies. We will advise you about this transition via The Standard and our Facebook page.
You can access the survey here. Only RNs should complete the survey.