The College is constantly striving to improve the services we provide to nurses and applicants. One way we’re doing this is by modernizing our registration services and practices. Here are just a few ways we’re improving.
Scanning documents and going digital
As part of our ongoing effort to go paperless, we now scan the documents we receive from applicants and store them digitally, which will make processing applications easier and faster.
An online portal
Work has begun on an online application portal, which will offer self-service to individuals seeking to become a nurse in Ontario. Stay tuned for more information when we launch the Applicant Portal later this year.
We’re making many changes that are designed to reduce the time it takes applicants to register as a nurse with the College. You can find out more about the changes we made in our 2017 Fair Registration Practices Report to the Office of the Fairness Commissioner. The report includes statistics, such as the number of membership applications we processed in 2017, and where applicants obtained their initial nursing education.
The Office of the Fairness Commissioner is a government agency set up to ensure the registration processes for regulated professions and compulsory trades in Ontario are transparent, objective, impartial and fair.
As we make more improvements at the College, we’ll share this information with you in The Standard. To read our Fair Registration Practices Reports from previous years, visit