April 2018
Meeting growing needs: Proposed fee changes

Last month, we invited you to give us feedback about proposed changes to fees that nurses and applicants pay to the College. The proposed fee increases relate to membership renewal, new applications, and the PN exam and exam cancellation fee. The increases would ensure the College can meet the expanding needs of today’s regulatory environment and maintain a sound financial position.

We appreciate the feedback we have received so far and would like to address the great questions you have raised. We are aware that fee increases are never a popular topic, and that the proposed increase to the membership renewal fee is a substantial change. Some of you were wondering what your membership fee pays for; why all nurses in Ontario pay the same membership fee; and why your fee doesn’t include professional liability protection. Find answers to these and other questions...

This Month’s Articles

The Standard
Apr 03, 2018

The College is constantly striving to improve the services we provide to nurses and applicants. One way we’re doing this is by modernizing our registration services and practices. Here are just a few ways we’re improving.

The Standard
Mar 08, 2018

Last month, we invited you to give us feedback about proposed changes to fees that nurses and applicants pay to the College. The proposed fee increases relate to membership renewal, new applications, and the PN exam and exam cancellation fee. The increases would ensure the College can meet the expanding needs of today’s regulatory environment and maintain a sound financial position.

We appreciate the feedback we have received so far and would like to address the great questions you have raised. We are aware that fee increases are never a popular topic, and that the proposed increase to the membership renewal fee is a substantial change. Some of you were wondering what your membership fee pays for; why all nurses in Ontario pay the same membership fee; and why your fee doesn’t include professional liability protection. Find answers to these and other questions...

The Standard
Nov 08, 2017

The College is working on the standards that will guide nursing practice after RNs gain authority to prescribe medication. We are asking for your feedback on the standards of practice and accountabilities for RNs who will prescribe, as well as for all nurses when dispensing medication. 

Summarized Decisions