We have updated the Professional Standards, Revised 2002 practice standard. Now, it includes specific examples of legislation that requires nurses to report instances of abuse in their practice.
Professional Standards states that each nurse is accountable to the public and is responsible for ensuring their practice and conduct meet legislative requirements and the standards of the profession.
One way nurses demonstrate this accountability is by reporting to the appropriate authority any health care team member or colleague whose actions or behaviours toward clients are unsafe, unprofessional or indicate abuse.
Page 4 of the updated practice standard includes the names of some of the legislation that applies to the reporting accountability (in addition to the Regulated Health Professionals Act, 1991). These are:
• Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007
• Child Youth and Family Services Act, 2017
• Public Hospitals Act.
For clarity, we have also added a definition of “abuse” in the footnotes.
Read more about your accountability for reporting abuse.