August 2018
Coming soon: Online application process

Individuals wanting to become a nurse will soon be able to apply online. Starting in late September 2018, a new online portal will replace most of our paper application process.

The new portal, available in English and French, is part of an upgrade to our computer systems that allows us to offer more efficient service, including self-service options.

This Month’s Articles

The Standard
Apr 03, 2018

We have updated the Professional Standards practice standard. Now, it includes specific examples of legislation that requires nurses to report instances of abuse in their practice.

The Standard
Mar 08, 2018

Individuals wanting to become a nurse will soon be able to apply online. Starting in late September 2018, a new online portal will replace most of our paper application process.

The new portal, available in English and French, is part of an upgrade to our computer systems that allows us to offer more efficient service, including self-service options.

The Standard
Nov 08, 2017

New requirements are coming into effect for dispensing Class A opioids (a drug listed in Part A of the List of Opioids).

Summarized Decisions