Registration Requirements

This section lists the registration requirements for applicants who are not registered to practice in Canada or who practice under Temporary, Provisional, Graduate or other similar registrations in other Canadian jurisdictions.

If you are a nurse in another Canadian jurisdiction with an equivalent certificate of registration to practice and you are applying to register as an RN or RPN in Ontario, please review this section of the guide for details of your registration requirements.

During the application process, CNO assesses all applicants to determine whether they meet the following registration requirements.

If CNO finds that you do not meet one or more of these requirements, then you may be asked to provide more information or do something (such as complete an evaluation or additional education) that allows you to meet those requirements.

You have the right to request a review of your application if you want to appeal any decision made by CNO staff or the Registration Committee concerning your application.

See Registration Requirements for further information about each of these requirements.

Requirement Description
Nursing Education You must demonstrate the successful completion of a nursing education program designed to prepare you for the type of nursing (RN or RPN) that you want to practise in Ontario.
Evidence of Practice You must show that you have recent experience practising as a nurse. Most Ontario applicants automatically meet this requirement by completing a nursing program approved by the College within the past three years. For more information, click here.
Registration Examination You must successfully complete the registration examination approved by the College for the type of nursing (RN or RPN) you want to practise. Practising nurses who qualify for registration in Ontario under the Ontario Labour Mobility Act (i.e., practising nurses who are already registered in another Canadian province or territory) are exempt from having to write a registration examination.
Jurisprudence Examination You must successfully complete the RN/RPN Jurisprudence Examination.
Proficiency in English or French You must demonstrate proficiency in either English or French.
Citizenship You must be a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident of Canada, or hold authorization under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) to engage in the practice of nursing in Ontario.
Past Offences and Findings You must truthfully state whether you have ever been found guilty of an offence, refused registration, had a finding related to the practice of nursing or another profession against you, or are involved in certain proceedings.
Health and Conduct You must declare whether you suffer from any physical or mental condition or disorder that could affect your ability to practice nursing in a safe manner. The College must also be satisfied that you will practise with decency, honesty and integrity, and in accordance with the law.