Council is individually and collectively committed to regulating in the public interest in accordance with the following principles:


  • We make decisions in the public interest
  • We are responsible for our actions and processes
  • We meet our legal and fiduciary duties as directors


  • We anticipate and respond to changing expectations and emerging trends
  • We address emerging risks and opportunities
  • We anticipate and embrace opportunities for regulatory and governance innovation


  • We make evidence-informed decisions
  • We seek external expertise where needed
  • We evaluate our individual and collective knowledge and skills in order to continuously improve our governance performance


  • Our decisions reflect diverse knowledge, perspectives, experiences and needs
  • We seek varied stakeholder input to inform our decisions


  • Our decisions address public interest as our paramount responsibility
  • Our decisions are free of bias and special interest perspectives


  • We participate actively and honestly in decision making through respectful dialogue
  • We foster a culture in which we say and do the right thing
  • We build trust by acting ethically and following our governance principles


  • Our processes, decisions and the rationale for our decisions are accessible to the public
  • We communicate in a way that allows the public to evaluate the effectiveness of our governance