October 2018
When can I access a client’s health record?

Callie, an RN, knows that another nurse at her facility is treating a client with Guillain–Barré syndrome. Callie has never treated a client with Guillain–Barré syndrome before. She wants to know more about the client’s health care plan so she can increase her knowledge of the disease and be better prepared to provide care for future clients. Because she believes reading the chart has educational value, Callie accesses the client’s chart.

Should Callie have done so? Find out ...

This Month’s Articles

The Standard
Apr 03, 2018

After years of research and consultation, we’re ready to roll out our new method of assessing all entry-level nursing education programs in Ontario.

The Standard
Mar 08, 2018

Callie, an RN, knows that another nurse at her facility is treating a client with Guillain–Barré syndrome. Callie has never treated a client with Guillain–Barré syndrome before. She wants to know more about the client’s health care plan so she can increase her knowledge of the disease and be better prepared to provide care for future clients. Because she believes reading the chart has educational value, Callie accesses the client’s chart.

Should Callie have done so? Find out ...

The Standard
Nov 08, 2017

If you dispense Class A opioids, you should know that new requirements are now in effect.

Summarized Decisions