May 2018
Sexual abuse act steps up patient protection

Recent changes in legislation came into effect this month which may affect your practice. The changes strengthen measures to protect patients; support victims of sexual abuse by regulated health professionals; and improve regulatory oversight and accountability.

These changes are part of the Protecting Patients Act, 2017, and they amend the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA).

This Month’s Articles

The Standard
Apr 03, 2018

Recently, two significant changes to NP scope of practice came into effect. First, NPs can now order ultrasounds and X-rays without restrictions. They can also prescribe diacetylmorphine (heroin) and methadone.

The Standard
Mar 08, 2018

Recent changes in legislation came into effect this month which may affect your practice. The changes strengthen measures to protect patients; support victims of sexual abuse by regulated health professionals; and improve regulatory oversight and accountability.

These changes are part of the Protecting Patients Act, 2017, and they amend the Regulated Health Professions Act, 1991 (RHPA).

The Standard
Nov 08, 2017

Curious about how many applicants to the College passed their registration exam in 2017? Find answers in our new report about nursing exams.

Summarized Decisions