December 2021
Serving the Public: Reflections from the ED & CEO

As Anne Coghlan, CNO’s Executive Director & CEO, prepares to retire from her role at the end of March, she looks back at her time leading Canada’s largest health profession regulator.

During the past 21 years, I have had the immense privilege of leading the College of Nurses of Ontario. As I approach the end of my time as Executive Director and CEO, I am in awe of the changes and improvements I have seen in how we protect the public. As an organization focused on patient safety, we understand we are in a unique position of public trust. That’s why I am also very excited about the visionary work underway to continue CNO’s long history as a leader in professional regulation.

This Month’s Articles

The Standard
Jun 20, 2023

Every three months, Council, which is comprised of nurses and members of the public, meets to make important decisions that shape the regulation of nursing and promote public safety in Ontario.

The Standard
Aug 10, 2020

As Anne Coghlan, CNO’s Executive Director & CEO, prepares to retire from her role at the end of March, she looks back at her time leading Canada’s largest health profession regulator.

During the past 21 years, I have had the immense privilege of leading the College of Nurses of Ontario. As I approach the end of my time as Executive Director and CEO, I am in awe of the changes and improvements I have seen in how we protect the public. As an organization focused on patient safety, we understand we are in a unique position of public trust. That’s why I am also very excited about the visionary work underway to continue CNO’s long history as a leader in professional regulation.

Summarized Decisions