The Member admitted that she engaged in professional misconduct. On 14 occasions between January 2019 and April 2020, the Member failed to administer medications to patients, but documented that she had administered the medications. The Member also documented an order for the wrong medication, administered the wrong medication and documented that she had administered the correct one, administered more medication to a patient than authorized by the medication order, documented that she had applied a Nitro patch to a patient when she had not, and improperly altered a narcotic count sheet. The Member also failed to properly respond and assess a patient after a fall and failed to document the fall. Finally, the Member made inappropriate remarks about a colleague by calling the colleague a “stupid bitch”.
Discipline Committee’s Findings
Based on the Member’s admissions, a panel of the Discipline Committee of the College of Nurses of Ontario (the “Panel”) found that the Member:
- contravened a standard of practice of the profession or failed to meet the standards of practice of the profession;
- failed to keep records as required;
- falsified a record relating to the Member’s practice; and
- engaged in conduct, relevant to the practice of nursing, that, having regard to all the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by members as unprofessional and dishonourable.
Discipline Committee’s Order
The Member signed an undertaking to permanently resign as a member of the College of Nurses of Ontario (“CNO”) and agreed not to apply for membership with CNO at any time in the future.
In light of the Member’s undertaking, the CNO and the Member jointly sought an order requiring the Member to appear before the Panel for an oral reprimand.
The Panel accepted the Joint Submission on Order, concluding that the proposed order was reasonable and in the public interest. The Member cooperated with CNO and accepted responsibility by agreeing to the facts and a proposed order.