I have recently obtained a Masters in Public Health (MPH). Can I use this educational credential with my name and designation?

Yes, nurses may use the educational credentials. Academic or educational credentials are not protected titles under the Nursing Act, 1991.

Nurses are accountable for accurately representing their qualifications and abilities. Misrepresenting and enhancing credentials may be considered disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional conduct as outlined in the Professional Misconduct regulation.

Can I continue to use my educational credentials (e.g., BScN, MN, PhD) if I move to the Non-Practicing Class or resign from CNO?

Yes, nurses may continue to use the educational credentials they obtained as these are not protected titles under the Nursing Act, 1991.

Individuals who have resigned from CNO or moved to the Non-Practicing Class cannot practice nursing or present themselves as qualified to practice nursing in Ontario.

Please see our FAQs: Non-Practicing Class page for more information on protected title use for individuals who have resigned their membership or moved to the Non-Practising Class.

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