What does “practice settings where health services are routinely performed” mean?

CNO expects that nurses are performing activities for therapeutic purposes within a practice setting that is in the best interest of the client, so that client care is safe and ethical.

This statement is not intended to restrict or limit the provision of care. CNO is aware that scope of practice, technology, client preferences and practice settings will evolve and elements of controlled acts may be performed in non-traditional settings. For example, nurses who provide care to high risk and vulnerable client populations in non-traditional settings should ensure that performing an activity in the chosen location assures the best possible outcome for the client.

Nurses are expected to have sufficient knowledge, skill and judgment to determine the appropriateness of performing the procedure. They are also expected to ensure the physical environment, including access to equipment, supports the safe performance of procedures. Contextual factors such as location are considered as part of this judgment. Lastly, nurses must ensure that practice is based on theory and evidence and meets all relevant standards and guidelines.

For more information about these accountabilities see the Scope of Practice standard and the Code of Conduct.