A key role CNO plays to protect the public is to evaluate and monitor the quality of all entry-level nursing education programs. Our Program Approval Framework ensures nursing graduates are prepared to practice safely, competently and ethically.
This fall, CNO hosted a roundtable with other nursing regulators across Canada to share experiences and challenges in program approval and discuss common themes related to nursing education. This meeting included a special guest, Dr. Nancy Spector, Director of Nursing Education at the National Council of State Board of Nursing (NCSBN) in the U.S., who spoke about evidence-based program approval.
Why evidence-based program approval matters
The Standard had the opportunity to chat with Dr. Spector about the importance of program approval, how it contributes to patient safety and supports the work of all nurses.
The Standard
What types of opportunities come with collaborating on evidence-based research for nursing education programs?
Dr. Spector
I think it's really important that when we approve nursing education programs, it's based on the evidence and not personal preferences. I know CNO has done a lot of work on tools development and looking at different metrics, and I think it's really important to keep score of what you do. We've done a lot with the quality indicators of nursing education, like programs and how they match with outcomes. Putting those together for both NCSBN and CNO would really give us different dimensions on what we do with approval of nursing education programs.
The Standard
That sounds really exciting. Can you connect how that relates to the everyday lived experiences of nurses working throughout Ontario? How does that support the work they do?
Dr. Spector
That's a good question. If you have a program that is graduating confident and safe practitioners, it's really good for everyone. It's good for the other nurses they work with because they need to be able to trust that a new graduate and colleague knows what they're doing and that they're safe practitioners. It's also good for the people of Ontario, as it's really important they know their nurses are very qualified and competent when they are working with their family or themselves as patients.
The Standard
It sounds like the shared goal here is to build confidence in public safety. As that is the bedrock for so much of the work we do in the health care system.
Dr. Spector
Right, exactly. By building that confidence through ensuring you graduate safe and competent nurses, you really improve the health care system.
The Standard
Dr. Spector, thank you so much for your time.
This interview has been edited for clarity and length.