Nurses are at the forefront of responding to a crisis in our health care system. During these challenging times, we are working hard to get you the support you need.
The situation is constantly evolving, and our website is updated frequently with the latest information. Here’s where you can find the latest updates:
The standard of care in context
CNO understands that, more than ever, the health care system and all health care professionals are experiencing challenging and unsettling times. We understand that for nurses these challenges bring a high degree of uncertainty and stress as we experience change in ways we have never felt before. You may be concerned about being able to maintain standards of practice, particularly when mobilized to work in other areas, and we want to assure you that the standard of care is always considered in context. The standard of care can evolve with the dynamic nature of the pandemic, including that resources may become scarce or absent.
Working in the health care system during a pandemic requires continual adaptation and adjustment in nursing practice. In this situation, it will be important to make reasonable efforts to comply with any direction from the Chief Medical Officer of Health and your workplace policies and procedures pertaining to COVID-19 management. While CNO will continue to receive complaints and reports during the pandemic, we appreciate that nurses are always doing their best in every situation and we will assess all information with consideration to the circumstances in which nurses are working.
CNO continues to appreciate and applaud your commitment and dedication within this emergent context. We understand you are considering patient needs, public safety, and doing your very best each and every day.