As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, we are mindful of the ongoing challenges you face. That’s why we are introducing a new Quality Assurance (QA) Program that focuses on self-assessment activities to support your ongoing professional development. Even in uncertain times, it is critical that you continue to keep your knowledge, skill and judgment up-to-date.
QA is an ongoing process that is fundamental to safe, quality care. Our goal is to offer a QA program that enables continuous learning. Here’s what’s changing in 2021:
Self-assessment activities
Reflecting on and assessing your practice happens every day. We know that during the COVID-19 pandemic, you have been continuously learning and adapting to changes all year long. This year, as you reflect, ask yourself if you can identify gaps or opportunities to enhance your practice. Then, create learning goals and develop a Learning Plan for 2021. For more information about this process, see our new Self-Assessment Guide and Learning Plan template.
QA Assessment
This year, we will randomly select nurses for QA Assessment. We will contact selected nurses by email at some point during the year. If selected, you’ll need to submit your Learning Plan to CNO and complete a Code of Conduct Practice Activity. The purpose of this activity is to make sure you have a good understanding of how your practice aligns with the principles of the Code. Nurse Practitioners selected for QA Assessment will complete an additional activity.
Coaching support
Later in the year, we will introduce QA coaches to guide you through the QA Program. Coaching support will be available for nurses participating in the QA Assessment.
We continue to find ways to make QA more meaningful to you. Visit to find resources and tools to guide you through QA every day.