Added to that list is her role on CNO’s Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee (ICRC). ICRC looks at matters related to public complaints or reports. Then, it determines whether actions, such as remediation and/or a verbal caution, would address the public interest or if a hearing is required. She notes: “At CNO, you are respected for your knowledge, experience, communication and practice; while learning about leadership, camaraderie and how truly effective teams work!”
“My nursing knowledge and experience help me share best practices with my peers,” says Renwick. “Being familiar with the circumstances and challenges other nurses face, I am able to add my voice to solutions that contribute to protecting the public.”
Nurses who participate in committees can expect benefits beyond contributing to safe nursing practice.
Renwick encourages nurses to not hesitate if they are interested in joining a CNO committee “I wish I had overcome my personal insecurities much earlier in my career and embraced this CNO experience. I challenge nurses to expand their horizons by serving on a committee. Whether you are a nurse with years of experience, or a relatively new nurse, the personal and professional rewards will exceed your contributions!”
Run for Council
You can also get involved by running for election to CNO’s Council. Council is CNO’s board of directors, and it’s comprised of nurses and members of the public. Together, they make important decisions that shape the regulation of nursing and promote public safety. We’re currently holding elections in certain districts — find out if you’re eligible to run on our Council Elections page.