We want your feedback about a proposed regulation change requested by the Ministry of Health. The change would allow Ontario colleges of applied arts and technology (CAATs) to independently offer students baccalaureate programs in nursing.
Currently, colleges are unable to offer standalone baccalaureate degrees in nursing because regulations require this degree to be obtained from a university. As a result, many colleges have developed collaborative programs with universities. The change, if approved, would allow CAATs to offer baccalaureate programs in nursing independently.
All nurses are welcome to provide feedback about this proposed change. To do so, click the survey link on our consultation page. The deadline to comment is Wednesday, November 18, 2020.
We will share your feedback, as well as feedback from educators, employers and other stakeholders including the public, with Council. If approved, the CAAT programs — like all entry level nursing programs in the province — will need to go through our Program Approval process to ensure that programs are prepared to enable graduates to practice nursing safely, competently and ethically.
Please forward this email to any colleagues who may be interested in providing input.
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