Did you know you can watch all our Council meetings live on YouTube? On Wednesday, Sept. 29 and Thursday, Sept. 30 at 9 a.m., join us on YouTube as our Council members make decisions about nursing practice and public protection at their third meeting of the year.
Our board, which is called Council, is made up of nurses and members of the public who work together to protect the public by promoting safe nursing practice. Council makes important decisions that shape the regulation of nursing and promote public safety.
At the September meeting, Council will discuss many topics including our work to modernize the practice standards and applicant assessment process, changes to the Quality Assurance Program, and Nursing Education Program Approval.
The YouTube link, as well as the meeting agenda and materials will be online at www.cno.org/agendas one week before the meeting. If you can’t watch the meeting, you can follow along as we live tweet the meeting on Twitter. We also report on decisions made at Council in The Standard.
Learn more about Council and the work our board does at www.cno.org/Council.