The College is proposing a by-law change related to the language we use on our public Register, Find a Nurse. The change will use different language to describe the status of NPs who have not completed the education required to prescribe controlled substances.
The law requires NPs to complete controlled substances education before they are able to prescribe controlled substances. While some NPs may not plan to prescribe controlled substances, the College encourages all NPs to complete the education because it has content that is relevant to all NPs.
Currently, if an NP chooses not to complete approved controlled substances education, the NP’s status on Find a Nurse says: “Entitled to practise with restrictions.” A further explanation under the “Practice Information” tab states: “This member cannot prescribe controlled substances. They have not completed the education needed to do so.”
In September 2017, the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care asked the College to remove the word “restriction” from NPs’ status in relation to this education requirement. We also received stakeholder feedback that our language could be misinterpreted as a restriction that was imposed due to conduct issues.
Proposed change
To change the wording on the Register, we need to delete the current provision in paragraph 5.01 under Article 44.1.06 of By-Law No. 1: General, which requires the College to use the word “restriction” on the Register, and replace it with the following:
5.01 Where a member holds an extended class certificate of registration as an RN (Nurse Practitioner) but has not met the requirements under the regulations made under the Nursing Act, 1991 to prescribe controlled substances, a notation to that effect.
This will result in removing the word “restriction” from Find a Nurse so it is clear that an NP’s inability to prescribe controlled substances is not related to a conduct matter.
The College is consulting with different stakeholders including NPs, employers and associations, to ensure the language on the Register is accurate and clear.
To comment on the proposed change, complete this short survey by Friday, June 1, 2018.