Last month, we invited you to give us feedback about proposed changes to fees that nurses and applicants pay to the College. We appreciate the feedback we have received so far and would like to address the great questions you have raised.
The proposed fee increases relate to membership renewal, new applications, and the PN exam and exam cancellation fee. The increases would ensure the College can meet the expanding needs of today’s regulatory environment and maintain a sound financial position.
We are aware that fee increases are never a popular topic, and that the proposed increase to the membership renewal fee is a substantial change. Some of you were wondering what your membership fee pays for; why all nurses in Ontario pay the same membership fee; and why your fee doesn’t include professional liability protection. Find answers to these and other questions at
Before the College’s Council decided to propose these fee increases, they considered a variety of ways to save costs. However, they found these would hinder our ability to effectively fulfil our legal accountabilities as Ontario’s regulator of the nursing profession. In turn, this would be a risk to the public.
Evolving and expanding
Over the past few years, our work at the College has evolved. Significant changes have increased the volume of work and service expectations from nurses, government, applicants, educators and the public. For instance, in 2017 we experienced a 93 per cent increase in the number of complaints and reports compared to two years before.
Also on the rise is the duration and volume of telephone calls we receive about applications, complaints, reports and general inquiries. This has resulted in long wait times when you try to reach the College by telephone. To address this, we are overhauling our telecommunications system. We are also in the process of automating our business processes so we can provide you with more efficient service in the future.
We welcome your feedback on the proposed fee changes. Comment at The deadline is Friday, June 1, 2018. Council will review all feedback before it makes a final decision in June.