Curious about how many applicants to the College passed their registration exam in 2017? Find answers in our new report about nursing exams.
The report shows the pass rates for applicants who wrote one of the College-approved national registration exams, as part of the registration process for becoming a nurse in Ontario. The exams for RNs (NCLEX-RN) and RPNs (CPNRE) test competencies that nurses need to begin their nursing careers in Ontario. They help ensure that new nurses in Ontario are prepared to practise nursing safely.
In 2017, approximately 12,000 applicants to the College wrote either the NCLEX-RN or CPNRE at least once. Of all RN applicants who wrote the NCLEX-RN, 76 per cent passed on their first attempt. The pass rate for applicants educated in Ontario was 80 per cent. Of the RPN applicants who wrote the CPNRE, 86 per cent passed on their first attempt. The pass rate for applicants educated in Ontario was 92 per cent.
You can find more information about the pass rates for these and other exams, as well as a breakdown of pass rates by Ontario nursing education program, and of applicants educated elsewhere in Canada and internationally, in our Nursing Registration Exams Report.
The College publishes annual statistics reports to provide data about the nurses we register. Find out more about our statistical resources and sign up for announcements at: