We’d like to thank all RNs who provided feedback on the proposed changes to the RN entry-to-practice (ETP) competencies. You along with RNs across Canada helped to inform the final version, which will come into effect in September 2020. You can read the new competencies at Entry-to-Practice Competencies for Registered Nurses.
Every five years, the Canadian Council of Registered Nurse Regulators leads a review and update to make sure the competencies are current and consistent across the country.
In the new revision, a roles-based model organizes the competencies under the multiple roles nurses assume when providing safe care. The roles are: clinician, professional, communicator, collaborator, coordinator, leader, advocate, educator and scholar. The competencies also reflect changes in the health care environment, such as increased focus on patient acuity, use of social media and continuous quality improvement. As well, the competencies include recommendations from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action.
Next steps
Between now and 2020, we will update our Program Approval documents to align with the new competencies. RN nursing education programs will integrate the new competencies into their curriculums.
Visit Become a Nurse for more information on entry-to-practice and Nursing Education Program Approval.