Our 2019 Annual Report, Innovating with Evidence, is out now! The report highlights some of the ways CNO has used evidence over the last year to improve its processes and better protect the public.
The report focuses on three of our key accomplishments in 2019: reducing risk, putting patient safety first and good governance.
Reducing risk
It’s rare but real: some health care providers do set out to harm patients. To find out why this happens and how to prevent it, we conducted extensive literature reviews about health care serial killers, sexual abuse and other forms of harm. We used this evidence to develop interventions to detect nurses who hurt patients — and prevent this from happening. Now stakeholders in Canada and beyond are looking to us to learn more, and we’re taking every opportunity to share this information.
Patient safety
Findings from the Long-Term Care Homes Public Inquiry showed us that there was an opportunity to clarify what concerns about a nurse’s behaviour or practice should be reported to CNO. We published a new, easy-to-navigate online Reporting Guide to help employers, nurse colleagues and anyone else working with a nurse better understand when and how to submit a report to CNO. Before publishing the new guide, we piloted it with employers and used their feedback to make further improvements.
Good governance
We also initiated changes to our processes to make us more effective in protecting the public. These include reducing the number of directors on our Board to improve communication and decision-making. We also added new requirements for nurses who want to join our committees to ensure those making decisions about patient safety are the most qualified.
In the report, you’ll also find statistics and facts in an easy-to-read visual format. Take a few minutes to check out our 2019 Annual Report, and please share your comments and questions with us.