The following are strategies to consider when preparing to write the REx-PN.

Applicants may choose to use all or some of these suggestions or may decide to develop their own strategies for taking the test. Regardless of how they choose to prepare for their test, all applicants should evaluate their learning needs and upgrade their skills and knowledge where needed before attempting the test.

  • Review CNO’s practice documents.
  • If you are an internationally educated nurse, consider enrolling in a program offered by an educational institution designed to help applicants to CNO become familiar with current nursing practice in Ontario.
  • If English or French is not your first language, take an English or French language course that emphasizes both written and oral skills.
  • Consider joining a nursing peer support group. These groups can provide suggestions for preparing to write the exam.
  • Review the Test Plan. The Test Plan details the content areas that the REx-PN tests. It also describes how the exam is structured, including length and scoring.
  • Review the free exam preview, which can be downloaded in English and French. The preview allows you to review exam items similar to the REx-PN items you’ll see on test day. The preview is a static exam that is not scored nor a predictor of whether you will pass or fail your actual REx-PN. The 125 items included in this preview will not appear on the current or future exams

Some applicants may choose to enrol in an examination preparation course that may help them review content and learn techniques for computer adaptive tests.

You may find prep courses helpful in preparing to write the exam, but the choice of what will help you prepare is yours. Third-party vendors may develop and offer REx-PN preparation courses, but it is important to know that they do not have access to the REx-PN question bank. CNO is aware of some prep courses being developed in English but cannot attest to their success in helping someone to prepare to write the REx-PN.

For more information about preparing for the exam, visit the REx-PN website.

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